
Karshika Vivara Sanketham Oru Viralthumpil – SFAC


Small farmer Agribusiness consortium is a government organization that aims to improve the state of agricultural development in Kerala by encouraging the formation of the Agripreneurial Ecosystem in the state. It works in association with the Government of Agriculture, Kerala.
India has an agro-based economy because of the fact that agriculture contributes about 25% to the national gross domestic product. It is treated as the mainstay of the Indian economy because it acts as a source of livelihood for nearly 65% of the population. It also supports other industries by contributing raw materials thereby making it 21% of the total export. From the above facts and figures, it can be inferred that the agricultural sector possesses a great potential in providing employment to a large population thereby aiding in the process of elimination of poverty. So, there’s a need to focus on the growth of this sector to utilize the untapped potential. The rate of development in any sector accelerates when enthusiastic individuals like entrepreneurs come forward to work with the government. The collaboration of government with entrepreneurs has been effective enough to meet the demands of the market.

Tools and Technologies




Key Features

  • SFAC was established in 1994 to support small-scale agro-based industries.
  • It deals with agriculture in a wider connotation including fisheries and horticulture.
  • Its mission is to facilitate development in the sector of agriculture by promoting agro-based projects through its Project Development Facility and Venture Capital Assessment Scheme.

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